Lockdown Covid-19 Try Haircut at home – Just listen to this Audio

Experience 8D Music/ Audio: In the era of Lockdown due to the COVID-19 around the world. The only essential services stores are open i.e. Medical, Pharmacy, Hospital, Grocery, Vegetable, Fruits, etc. The Lockdown and Social Distance is the only way to defeat and precaution from Coronavirus. Till now there is no Antidote/ Vaccine or particular medication available for COVID-19.

In the COVID-19, a Viral WhatsApp and Telegram Message of 8D Audio, that is composed by Pentatonix. Use headphones and experience music with the brain not by your ears.

Here is the 8D Audio Message

Listen to this song with headphones only (put on the both ears). It is the new music of the Pentatonix, composed with 8D technology. Listen to it only with headphones. It will be the first time that you will listen to that song with your brain and not with your ears. You will feel the music from outside and not from the headphones. Feel the effects of this new technology.’

You can listen to this 8D Music and share it with friends and family. Also, comment on your experience in the below comment box.

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“Ilomilo (3D)” from سایت عکسام aksam.ir by Billie Eilish (@Musicam3D). Released: 2019.

I have never experienced such a music/ sound till now. Now, I am sharing on some more Audio.  One is the Barbar Shop Audio by the youtube LovelyVirus.

Listen to Real Barber/ Hair Cut Experience at Home

In the Audio, you will first listen to the sound of scissors to your right ear, then left ear. Also, enjoy the machine hair cut voice/ audio – 8D Technology.

Rain/ Hail storm 8D Audio (बारिस और ओलो का मज़ा लो)

Listen to the realistic sound of Rain. It is most similar to the real Rain Drop. Also, the hair Strom sound is there. You can share it.

Share it with friends/ Family.

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