Amount deduct but subscription not activated

Name: hirakant singh Complaint Registered
State: West Bengal


My name is Hirakant Singh.I am register my self for sonyliv last night (October 1,2020).
I registered for playing KBC play along. First register for 199 plan and my balance deduct accordingly.
I play kbc play along till first break on tv. Again when kbc start and I was login in app this was again bring me in registration page and when I enter the existing Gmail ,I got message that this was already register but not bring me play along page. I thought that plan was not allowed access so I take premium plan .Plan activated and my balance deduct but not able to participate kbc play along from home.

Now let me know why my balance deduct if you people not activate or allow me to play kbc play along.

Please short out the problem and help me to participate in kbc ghar baithe play along immediately, or refund my balance .

Complaint Status: Approved

Request: Very Urgent

Complaint Suggestion

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