Aarogya Setu App Login Error/ Web Page Not Available Customer Care 24×7 Helpline

Register Complaint/ Helpdesk for Aarogya Setu App Login Issue | OPT Verification/ Webpage is not Available web.swaraksha.gov.in/ncv19 There is some error login in Aarogya App Support/ Helpline Toll-free Number.

Aarogya Setu (Coronavirus Alert) App is developed by National Informatics Center (NIC) Delhi. It is the first app that has crosses 80 Million Download in just 13 days of its launch. PM Modi also recommend Aarogya Setu Mobile App (iOS, Android, Windows, Blackberry, Jio Phone). According to the Google Play Store Reviews, a total of 2,14,689 users have given 4.7 points out of 5.

Aarogya Setu App Login Error

After new update of the Aarogya App, I am not able to login. The OTP Verification code is no received. Web page not available. The web page at https://web.swaraksha.gov.in/ncv19/?locale=en could not be loaded because:  net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED

aarogya setu app login error

aarogya setu app error

Benefits of Installing Aarogya Setu App

  1. It gives information if any COVID-19 infected person comes near you.
  2. It provides information to protect yourself from COVID-19
  3. The facility of Self Assessment Test

You will be alerted if someone you have come in close proximity of, even unknowingly tests COVID 19 positive. The app alerts are accompanied by instructions on how to self Isolate and what to do in case you develop symptoms that may need help and support

Aarogya Setu App Install

To install the Arogya Setu App, with Android 5.0 and up version and for iOS Requires iOS 10.3 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

For Windows, Blackberry, Desktop Windows 7/ 10/ 8/ XP Aarogya App is not developed. With the help of the Aarogya Setu App, it will alert you whenever you are near any COVID-19 Positive person. It also alerts you whenever you go to the Hotspot/ Red Zone Area.

Here are the Basic Question (Self Assessment) asked by Aarogya Setu App for Corona Virus Detection:-

Please give correct answers Accurate answers help us – help you better. Medical and support staff are valuable and very limited. Be a responsible citizen.

Please note that information from this chat will be used for monitoring & management of the current health crisis and research in the fight against COVID-19.

Question 1: What is your Gender?
You have to choose between (Male, Female or Others)

Aarogya Setu App Install

Question 2: Please type your age

Aarogya Setu App Install

Question 3: Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms?
Options: Cough, Fever, Difficulty in Breathing, None of the Above

Aarogya Setu App Install

Question 4: Have you ever had any of the following:
Options: Diabetes, Hypertension, Lung Disease, Heart Disease, None of the Above

Aarogya Setu App Install

Question 5: Have you traveled anywhere internationally in the last 14 days?

Question 6: Which of the following apply to you?
Option: (a) I have recently interacted or lived with someone who has tested positive for COVID -19
Option (b) I am a healthcare worker and I examined a COVID-19 confirmed case without protective
None of the above

Question 7: Have you traveled anywhere internationally in the last 14 days?

Your infection risk is low. We recommend that you stay at home to avoid any chance of exposure to the Novel Coronavirus.

Aarogya Setu App Install

Retake the Self-Assessment Test if you develop symptoms or come in contact with a COVID-19 confirmed patient. Do visit https://www.mohfw.aov.in/ for more information

Aarogya Setu App Customer Care

Now, there are some users who are facing problem after installation. There are some cases that users are not able to install the App. Here are few complaints registered/

  1. ePass Option is not active
  2. Lockdown Pass Generate Link not opening
  3. Automatic Bluetooth ON
  4. Battery usage/ drain very fast
  5. It log out again and again
  6. Don’t install on Rooted Devices
  7. The app expects the infected to install this on their phones and update accordingly
  8. Not opening showing security restriction
  9. Security reasons rooted device errors shown
  10.  not able to open this app
  11. Asking again to login
  12. can’t use this app due to security instructions(rooted device)
  13. error connection refused
  14.  OTP is not coming

There are much new suggestions and feedback received by Aaryogya Setu Customer Services. The Developers (NIC) will be looking into it and resolve in the upcoming upgrade/ UPDATE version.

Here is the official customer care & help center of the Aarogya Setu Corona Virus App.

Customer Care Email [email protected]
Whenever you want to connect to Customer Support. Send the following details to check your issue/ problem ie. 1) Mobile phone make & model
2) Android Version
3) Telecom Service provider (like Airtel,Jio e.t.c)
4) Screenshot of your error message
5) Is your mobile phone rooted?
6) Country and State
Helpline Number/ Toll-free Not available
Online Complaint  Register
Download App Aarogya Setu Mobile App


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Jagadeesha m

My aarogya setu app not getting open because webpage not available.
Please short out this problem,why it is showing like this.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x