Repayment failed @CashBean Loan App

Name: Kavita Complaint Registered
State: Madhya Pradesh

I am kavita from Madhya Pradesh.
On 4th October 2019, My payment for the CashBean Loan is failed, The amount is deduceted from my bank account.
The status of payment is not reflected on Cashbean
Kindly help me.
Thank you.

Complaint Status: Solution Given

Request: Urgent

Complaint Suggestion

Hi Kavita,

As your payment is failed, so the money is not yet credited to the CashBean Loan Account. In such case, you should call the Bank Customer Care and register complaint. Your Money will be refunded.

Also, we would like to recommend you to create a help ticket at CashBean App. Email the Customer Care and attach the Screenshot/ receipt.

Have a good day.

Note: This is not an official CashBean support or customer care service portal. We help, give suggestion and guide customers. You can always reach CashBean customer support via website/ app. If you more question, leave comment via comment box below.