After a long time SSC has came-up with the mathematical formula to calculate merit list on the basis of Normalization Method. According to this, the candidate are assured that his/ her merit is as per performance in the examination rather than the easy/ hard question paper.
The Constable GD recruitment-2018 exam will be held from 11 Feb 2019 to 11 March 2019 in different shifts. To address any dispute or variation SSC board has decided to use the normalization formula. This is a Mathematical Formale and used in various entrance examination/ competitive exam as well as in the recruitment.
On 7 February 2019, Staff Selection Commission issued a notice at and provided a detailed method that reveals the SSC Normalization Formula.
In the upcoming (Computer Based Test -CBT) or the Pen-Paper test, if the exam is conducted on different dates or/ and different shift i.e. morning, evening, afternoon then the SSC will use Normalization Formula to calculate the merit list to shortlist candidate for next round of selection.
Candidates of Constable (GD) in CAPFs, NIA, SSF and Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles Examination-2018 are hereby informed that the Computer Based Examination for the above-mentioned recruitment will be conducted by the Commission on different dates between 11-02-2019 and 11-03-2019. The examination will be held in multiple shifts.
SSC Constable GD Exam Dates: 11 to 15 Feb, 18 to 19 Feb, 21 to 22 Feb, 1 to 3 March, 5 to 9 March, and last is 11 March 2019.
SSC Exam Normalization Method
Following are the examination in which SSC would be using the normalization method:
a) CGL Examination Tier-I/ II/ III
b) Constable GD written test
c) SI in CAPF, Delhi Police and ASI in CISF.
d) Stenographer Grade C/ D Exam 2018 etc.
If there are any other SSC Exam under the Normalization Method, we will update the section above. The candidate must also check regular updates released by the SSC on official portal. Also, you can download SSC Exam Calendar 2019.
Now, let us understand SSC Normalization Formula in detailed, but before this, let us know the why this formula is implemented and its requirement.
As we all know that the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) exam are held in various shift and dates due to large number of candidates appear in the written test.
The Staff Selection Commission has already decided to normalize the scores of candidates for the examinations which are conducted in multi-shifts to take into account any variation in the difficulty levels of the question papers across different shifts.
The following formula will be used by the Commission to calculate final score of candidates in the multi-shift examinations:
? ?? = Normalized marks of jth candidate in the ith shift.
? ?? = is the average marks of the top 0.1% of the candidates considering all shifts (number of candidates will be rounded-up).
?? ? = is the sum of mean and standard deviation marks of the candidates in the examination considering all shifts.
? ??= is the average marks of the top 0.1% of the candidates in the ith shift (number of candidates will be rounded-up).
???= is the sum of mean marks and the standard deviation of the ith shift.
???= is the actual marks obtained by the jth candidate in ith shift.
?? ?? = is the sum of mean marks of candidates in the shift having maximum mean and standard deviation of marks of candidates in the examination considering all shifts.
Calculation of marks will be done up to 5 decimal places.
The normalization is done based on the fundamental assumption that “in all multi-shift examinations, the distribution of abilities of candidates is the same across all the shifts”.
This assumption is justified since the number of candidates appearing in multiple shifts in the examinations conducted by the Commission is large and the procedure for allocation of examination shift to candidates is random.