Application Status: RRC CEN 01/ 2019 RRB Group-D CBT Exam

Recruitment of Group-D Post in Railway was announced in February 2019 with approx 1,03,769 Posts Vacancies in all RRC Zones and RRB’s. The registration process is already over on 12 April 2019 23:59 Hrs. In the information bulletin RRC CEN 01/ 2019, the tentative exam dates is in September/ October 2019. The issue of Admit Card will be released 20 days before the CBT Examination. The schedule/ time table for RRC Level-I CEN 01 2019 is available only on the official website ( RRC Regional Websites. In this article, I am providing direct link to download, check status of Admit Card of RRC Level-I Computer Based Online Test. 

Also, the candidate can download syllabus (PDF) as the recruitment process only consist of Single Computer Based Test (Online CBT Test).

Application Status (Rejected/ Eligible)

  1. Applications were called for the various posts of Level-1 vide CEN No.RRC-01/2019. The scrutiny of applications has been completed and the candidates can view their application status as (i) Provisionally eligible candidates and (ii) Rejected candidates along with the reasons for rejection. The application status of the candidates can be viewed on the LINK provided on the official websites of the following RRBs:-

Railway Recruitment Boards

Ahmedabad Chennai Allahabad Guwahati Bhopal Mumbai Bilaspur Ranchi
Ajmer Gorakhpur Bangalore Kolkata Bhubaneswar Patna Chandigarh Secunderabad
  1. The candidate by giving his/her Application Registration Number and Date of Birth can view Eligibility / Ineligibility status of his/her application. The link will be active from 12.00 hrs. on 25.07.2019 to 11.59 hrs on 31.07.2019.
  2. Candidature of all the eligible candidates is purely provisional and is liable to be cancelled at any stage of recruitment or thereafter, in case of any inconsistency/deficiency in the data furnished by them in their online application or any malpractice on the part of candidates coming to the notice of RRB at any stage of recruitment process.
  3. While every care has been taken in preparing the list of provisional eligible candidates list, RRB/RRC reserves the right to rectify any inadvertent error or typographical / printing mistakes. RRB/RRC regrets inability to entertain any correspondence from ineligible candidates.
  4. Important: Beware of the touts who may misguide the candidates with false promise of getting them selected for the job on illegal consideration. The recruitment process in the RRB/RRC exams is fully computerized and the selection is based on the merit of candidates.
  5. Candidates are advised to refer only to the official websites of RRBs/RRCs for periodical updates regarding the progress on this recruitment and not to get mislead by unauthenticated news items/posts circulating in media/social media.
  6. SMS and E-mail will be sent to the candidate’s mobile number and email id provided in his/her application whose application is rejected. || Download Notice
Error Message: This site can’t be reached’s server IP address could not be found.

RRC Level-I Vacancy 2019

The Railway has divided RRC in total 16 Regions. For the Northern Railway, Delhi, DMW and RCF regiona maximum number of 13153 Group-D posts shall be recruited. 

S.No Railway IJR SC ST OBC EWS Total Vacancy
1 Central Railway 3597 1398 759 2656 935 9345
2 East Central Railway 1369 555 325 956 358 3563
3 East Coast Railway 1034 412 198 653 258 2555
4 Eastern Railway, CLW & Metro 4926 1461 775 2619 1087 10873
5 North Central Railway and DLW 2080 678 317 1175 474 4730
6 North Eastern Railway, MCF and RDSO 1570 615 307 1107 403 4002
7 North Western Railway 2132 814 384 1393 526 5249
8 Northeast Frontier Railway 1119 449 226 809 291 2894
9 Northern Railway, DMW and RCF 5144 2017 1031 3644 1317 13153
10 South Central Railway 3663 1432 722 2577 934 9328
11 South East Central Railway 797 219 115 366 167 1664
12 South Eastern Railway 1933 738 361 1305 482 4914
13 South Western Railway and RWF 2745 1138 557 2006 715 7167
14 Southern Railway and ICF 4363 1353 787 2118 958 9579
15 West Central Railway 1596 633 308 1080 402 4019
16 Western Railway 4287 1647 812 2914 1074 10734
Grand Total 42355 15559 7984 27378 10381 103769

Selection Process of Level-I RRC CEN 01 2019 is based on the Single Computer Based Test(s), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Document Verification and Medical Examination.


RRB Group-D Vacancy 2019

Below are the list of vacancies issued in the RRC CEN 01/ 2019 of Level-I 7th CPC Group-D Post.

  1. Assistant (Workshop)
  2. Assistant Bridge
  3. Assistant C&W
  4. Assistant Depot (Stores)
  5. Assistant Loco Shed (Diesel)
  6. Assistant Loco Shed (Electrical)
  7. Assistant Operations (Electrical)
  8. Assistant Pointsman
  9. Assistant Signal & Telecom
  10. Assistant Track Machine
  11. Assistant TL& AC
  12. Assistant TL & AC (Workshop)
  13. Assistant TRD
  14. Assistant Works
  15. Assistant Works (Workshop)
  16. Hospital Assistant
  17. Track Maintainer Grade IV

rrb group-d admit card

RRC 01/ 2019 CBT Admit Card

Railway Recruitment Cell (RRB) Group-D CBT Exam is held in September to October 2019. Approx 25 Million candidates (2.5 Crores) online registration has been received on the official website rly rect appn ( RRC Zonal Websites).

Here, I am providing complete list of official website to download RRC Level-I CBT Exam Admit Card for CEN 01/ 2019. Also, you can can check your exam center, exam date and plan your study/ preparation.

RRC Regional Zones Level-I Admit Card
Central Railway (CR MUMBAI HQ)
East Central Railway (ECR HAJIPUR HQ)
East Coast Railway (ECoR BHUBANESWAR HQ)
Eastern Railway (ER KOLKATA HQ)
North Central Railway (NCR ALLAHABAD HQ)
North Eastern Railway (NER GORAKHPUR HQ)
North Western Railway (NWR JAIPUR HQ)
Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR GUWAHATI HQ)
Northern Railway (NR NEW DELHI HQ)
South Central Railway (SCR SECUNDERABAD HQ)
South East Central Railway (SECR BILASPUR HQ)
South Eastern Railway (SER KOLKATA HQ)
South Western Railway (SWR HUBLI HQ)
Southern Railway (SR CHENNAI HQ)
West Central Railway (WCR JABALPUR HQ)
Western Railway (WR MUMBAI HQ)

Note: Above are the official website of RRC Regional Zone’s. You can visit and check latest news and updates. Also, the Official Recruitment Board website will also update information about Level-I CEN 01/ 2019 vacancies, admit card etc.

RRB Group-D Admit Card (Website Issue)

At present the official website for RRB Group-D is showing error message “This site can’t be reached’s server IP address could not be found.” on all the RRB Zonal website were the candidate has registered online application form.

The Syllabus of RRC CEN 01 2019 for Group-D post under the Level-I 7th Pay Commission is available. The candidate should visit the official portal and download post wise Syllabus of CBT, Typing Test, Skill Test. Also check the list of document required and the medical examination.

The Error Message (Website of RRB Group-D Post) is not opening. The website will be soon be up before the admit card is released. After the RRB Group-D Admit Card is uploaded, the candidate may face website/ server issue i.e. Service is unavailable or Server Error Code 500 etc. Website Captcha is not loading etc.

In case, you find difficulty in downloading Admit Card of RRB Group-D or RRC Level-I CBT Exam 2019, Kindly contact to the helpcenter, helpdesk at your RRC Regional websites.

RRB NTPC Admit Card (CEN 01/ 2019) Download
RRB MIC Admit Card (CEN 03/ 2019) Download


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